ALP menu-driven program to perform the string operations (64-bit)
db 10, "———————————————————————————————————————————"
db 10, "1.Enterthestring"
db 10, "2.Calculatethelength"
db 10, "3.Reversethestring"
db 10, "4.Checkwhetherstringispalindromeornot"
db 10, "5.Exit"
db 10, "———————————————————————————————————————————"
db 10, "EnteryourChoice"menumsg_len equ$-menumsgwrchmsgdb10,"Wrongchoiceentered...Pleasetryagain",10wrchmsg_len equ$-wrchmsgentmsgdb"Enterthestring"entmsg_len equ$-entmsglmsgdb10,"Lengthofthestringis"lmsg_len equ$-lmsgrevmsgdb10,"Reversestringis"revmsg_len equ$-revmsgpalmsgdb10,"Stringispalindrome"palmsg_len equ$-palmsgnpalmsgdb10,"Stringisnotpalindrome"npalmsg_len equ$-npalmsgspacechardb20hsection.bsscntresb01optionbuffresb02dispbuffresb03srcstrresb10revstrresb10stringresb0%macro display 4
Note: It is mandatory to perform all the operations one by one, while executing this program
kodingwindow@kw:~$ nasm -felf64 kw.asm kodingwindow@kw:~$ ld kw.o && ./a.out
ALP for the string operations
1.Enter the string
2.Calculate the length
3.Reverse the string
4.Check whether string is palindrome or not
Enter your Choice 1
Enter the string LOL
ALP for the string operations
1.Enter the string
2.Calculate the length
3.Reverse the string
4.Check whether string is palindrome or not
Enter your Choice 2
Length of the string is 03
ALP for the string operations
1.Enter the string
2.Calculate the length
3.Reverse the string
4.Check whether string is palindrome or not
Enter your Choice 3
Reverse string is LOL
ALP for the string operations
1.Enter the string
2.Calculate the length
3.Reverse the string
4.Check whether string is palindrome or not
Enter your Choice 4
String is palindrome
ALP for the string operations
1.Enter the string
2.Calculate the length
3.Reverse the string
4.Check whether string is palindrome or not
Enter your Choice 5
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