How to compare the Excel sheets using Interop objects in Ranorex
File: ExcelComparison.UserCode.cs
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Drawing; using System.Threading; using WinForms = System.Windows.Forms; using Ranorex; using Ranorex.Core; using Ranorex.Core.Repository; using Ranorex.Core.Testing; using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel; namespace GlobalProjects { public partial class ExcelComparison { private void Init() { CompareCell(); } Excel.Application xlapp; Excel.Workbook xlworkbook1, xlworkbook2; Excel.Worksheet xlworksheet1, xlworksheet2; Excel.Range xlrange1, xlrange2; public void CompareCell() { xlapp = new Excel.ApplicationClass(); xlapp.WindowState = Excel.XlWindowState.xlMaximized; xlapp.Visible = true; xlworkbook1 = xlapp.Workbooks.Open("D:\\Ranorex\\GlobalProjects\\Workbook-1.xlsx"); xlworkbook2 = xlapp.Workbooks.Open("D:\\Ranorex\\GlobalProjects\\Workbook-2.xlsx"); xlworksheet1 = (Excel.Worksheet)xlworkbook1.Sheets["Sheet1"]; xlworksheet2 = (Excel.Worksheet)xlworkbook2.Sheets["Sheet1"]; xlrange1 = xlworksheet1.UsedRange; xlrange2 = xlworksheet2.UsedRange; if(xlrange1.Rows.Count.Equals(xlrange2.Rows.Count) && xlrange1.Columns.Count.Equals(xlrange2.Columns.Count)) { Report.Info("Excel range matched."); for(int rowcnt=1; rowcnt<=xlrange1.Rows.Count; rowcnt++) { for(int colcnt=1; colcnt<=xlrange1.Columns.Count; colcnt++) { string data1 = (((xlrange1.Cells[rowcnt, colcnt] as Excel.Range).Value2).ToString()); if(data1==null) { data1=""; } string data2 = (((xlrange2.Cells[rowcnt, colcnt] as Excel.Range).Value2).ToString()); if(data2==null) { data2=""; } if(data1.Equals(data2)) { Report.Info("Row "+rowcnt+" Column "+colcnt+" -> Matched Cell("+rowcnt+","+colcnt+")"); } else { Report.Info("Row "+rowcnt+" Column "+colcnt+" -> Unatched Cell("+rowcnt+","+colcnt+")"); } } } Report.Success("Data comparison successfully done. Status: Pass"); } else { Report.Info("Excel range not matched. Status: Fail"); } xlapp.Quit(); } } }
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