VBScript to demonstrate the use of conversion functions
print"Converts the first letter in a string to ANSI code: "&Asc("A")print"Converts an expression to a variant of subtype Boolean: "&CBool(0)&" "&CBool(10)print"Converts an expression to a variant of subtype Byte: "&CByte(66.66)&" "&CByte(61.32)print"Converts an expression to a variant of subtype Currency: "&CCur(50.856925225858725785)print"Converts an expression to a variant of subtype Double: "&CDbl(508569252258587252323.78665785)print"Converts the specified ANSI code to a character: "&Chr(42)print"Returns the hexadecimal value: "&Hex(470)print"Returns the octal value: "&Oct(470)
Converts the first letter in a string to ANSI code: 65
Converts an expression to a variant of subtype Boolean: False True
Converts an expression to a variant of subtype Byte: 67 61
Converts an expression to a variant of subtype Currency: 50.8569
Converts an expression to a variant of subtype Double: 5.08569252258587E+20
Converts the specified ANSI code to a character: *
Returns the hexadecimal value: 1D6
Returns the octal value: 726
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