#include<iomanip>usingnamespacestd;intmain(){cout<<"———————————————————————————————————————————";cout<<"\nProgram to print the size of data types\n";cout<<"———————————————————————————————————————————";cout<<"\nThe size of int "<<setw(11)<<"| "<<sizeof(int)<<"\n";cout<<"The size of float "<<setw(9)<<"| "<<sizeof(float)<<"\n";cout<<"The size of short "<<setw(9)<<"| "<<sizeof(short)<<"\n";cout<<"The size of double "<<setw(8)<<"| "<<sizeof(double)<<"\n";cout<<"The size of long "<<setw(10)<<"| "<<sizeof(long)<<"\n";cout<<"The size of char "<<setw(10)<<"| "<<sizeof(char)<<"\n";cout<<"The size of bool "<<setw(10)<<"| "<<sizeof(bool)<<"\n";cout<<"The size of NULL "<<setw(10)<<"| "<<sizeof(NULL)<<"\n";cout<<"The size of wchar_t "<<setw(7)<<"| "<<sizeof(wchar_t)<<"\n";cout<<"Size of long int "<<setw(10)<<"| "<<sizeof(longint)<<"\n";cout<<"Size of short int "<<setw(9)<<"| "<<sizeof(shortint)<<"\n";cout<<"Size of long double "<<setw(7)<<"| "<<sizeof(longdouble)<<"\n";cout<<"Size of signed int "<<setw(8)<<"| "<<sizeof(signedint)<<"\n";cout<<"Size of unsigned int "<<setw(6)<<"| "<<sizeof(unsignedint)<<"\n";cout<<"Size of signed char "<<setw(7)<<"| "<<sizeof(signedchar)<<"\n";cout<<"Size of unsigned char "<<setw(5)<<"| "<<sizeof(unsignedchar)<<"\n";cout<<"Size of long signed int "<<setw(3)<<"| "<<sizeof(longsignedint)<<"\n";cout<<"Size of long unsigned int"<<setw(0)<<"| "<<sizeof(longunsignedint)<<"\n";cout<<"———————————————————————————————————————————\n";return0;}
kodingwindow@kw:~$ g++ kw.cpp kodingwindow@kw:~$ ./a.out
Program to print the size of data types
The size of int | 4
The size of float | 4
The size of short | 2
The size of double | 8
The size of long | 8
The size of char | 1
The size of bool | 1
The size of NULL | 8
The size of wchar_t | 4
Size of long int | 8
Size of short int | 2
Size of long double | 16
Size of signed int | 4
Size of unsigned int | 4
Size of signed char | 1
Size of unsigned char | 1
Size of long signed int | 8
Size of long unsigned int| 8
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