Implementation of C# LinkedList class: AddLast() and AddFirst() methods
using System.Collections.Generic; LinkedList<string> ll = new LinkedList<string>(); ll.AddLast("Apple"); ll.AddLast("Orange"); ll.AddLast("Mango"); ll.AddLast("Grapes"); ll.AddLast("Cherry"); ll.AddLast("Apple"); ll.AddFirst("Pineapple"); foreach (string s in ll) { Console.Write(s + " "); } Console.WriteLine("\nSize: " + ll.Count);
kodingwindow@kw:~/csharp$ dotnet run Pineapple Apple Orange Mango Grapes Cherry Apple Size: 7 kodingwindow@kw:~/csharp$
Implementation of C# LinkedList class: AddAfter() and AddBefore() methods
using System.Collections.Generic; LinkedList<string> ll = new LinkedList<string>(); ll.AddLast("Apple"); ll.AddLast("Orange"); ll.AddLast("Mango"); ll.AddLast("Grapes"); ll.AddLast("Cherry"); ll.AddLast("Apple"); ll.AddAfter(ll.Find("Apple")!, "Blueberry"); ll.AddBefore(ll.Find("Orange")!, "Pineapple"); foreach (string s in ll) { Console.Write(s + " "); } Console.WriteLine("\n" + ll.Contains("Pineapple"));
kodingwindow@kw:~/csharp$ dotnet run Apple Blueberry Pineapple Orange Mango Grapes Cherry Apple True kodingwindow@kw:~/csharp$
Implementation of C# LinkedList class: RemoveFirst() and RemoveLast() methods
using System.Collections.Generic; LinkedList<string> ll = new LinkedList<string>(); ll.AddLast("Apple"); ll.AddLast("Orange"); ll.AddLast("Mango"); ll.AddLast("Grapes"); ll.AddLast("Cherry"); ll.AddLast("Apple"); ll.AddLast("Apple"); ll.RemoveFirst(); ll.Remove("Orange"); ll.RemoveLast(); foreach (string s in ll) { Console.Write(s + " "); } ll.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("\nSize: " + ll.Count);
kodingwindow@kw:~/csharp$ dotnet run Mango Grapes Cherry Apple Size: 0 kodingwindow@kw:~/csharp$
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Implementation of C# Dictionary class
Implementation of C# SortedDictionary class
Implementation of C# HashSet class