kodingwindow@kw:~/csharp$ dotnet run
Array Length: 6
First Element: Mango
Last Element: Strawberry
Unhandled exception. System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
at Program.$(String[] args) in /home/kodingwindow/csharp/Program.cs:line 5
C# program to handle the IndexOutOfRangeException
string[]s={"Mango","Pineaple","Grapes","Banana","Apple","Strawberry"};Console.WriteLine("Array Length: "+s.Length);Console.WriteLine("First Element: "+s[0]);Console.WriteLine("Last Element: "+s[5]);try{Console.WriteLine(s[6]);}catch(IndexOutOfRangeException){Console.WriteLine("Requested element not found");}
kodingwindow@kw:~/csharp$ dotnet run
Array Length: 6
First Element: Mango
Last Element: Strawberry
Requested element not found
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