Java program to demonstrate the use of Math class methods
importjava.lang.Math;importjava.util.Scanner;classKW{publicstaticvoidmain(Stringargs[]){doubledegree;Scannersc=newScanner(;System.out.print("Enter the angle of function ");degree=sc.nextDouble();doubleradians=Math.toRadians(degree);System.out.println("———————————————————————————————————————————");System.out.println("Java implementation of Math class methods");System.out.println("———————————————————————————————————————————");System.out.format("Value of sin(%.1f) | %.2f\n",degree,Math.sin(radians));System.out.format("Value of cos(%.1f) | %.2f\n",degree,Math.cos(radians));System.out.format("Value of atan(90) | %.2f\n",Math.atan(90));System.out.format("Value of log(2) | %.2f\n",Math.log(2));System.out.format("Value of abs(0.9) | %.2f\n",Math.abs(0.9));System.out.println("Value of asin(90) | "+(Math.asin(90)));System.out.println("Value of acos(90) | "+(Math.acos(90)));System.out.println("Value of 2^(20) | "+(Math.pow(2,20)));System.out.println("Value of e^(0) | "+(Math.exp(0)));System.out.println("Value of floor(0.9)| "+(Math.floor(0.9)));System.out.println("Value of ceil(0.9) | "+(Math.ceil(0.9)));System.out.println("Value of rint(0.9) | "+(Math.rint(0.9)));System.out.println("Value of round(0.9)| "+(Math.round(0.9)));System.out.println("Value of max(0,1) | "+(Math.max(0,1)));System.out.println("Value of min(0,1) | "+(Math.min(0,1)));System.out.println("Square Root of 25 | "+(Math.sqrt(25)));System.out.println("Value ceil(7.999) | "+(Math.ceil(7.999)));System.out.println("Value floor(7.99) | "+(Math.floor(7.99)));System.out.printf("Value of e Is | %.2f\n",Math.E);System.out.format("Value of PI Is | %.2f\n",Math.PI);System.out.println("———————————————————————————————————————————");}}
kodingwindow@kw:~$ javac kodingwindow@kw:~$ java KW
Enter the angle of function 90
Java implementation of Math class methods
Value of sin(90.0) | 1.00
Value of cos(90.0) | 0.00
Value of atan(90) | 1.56
Value of log(2) | 0.69
Value of abs(0.9) | 0.90
Value of asin(90) | NaN
Value of acos(90) | NaN
Value of 2^(20) | 1048576.0
Value of e^(0) | 1.0
Value of floor(0.9)| 0.0
Value of ceil(0.9) | 1.0
Value of rint(0.9) | 1.0
Value of round(0.9)| 1
Value of max(0,1) | 1
Value of min(0,1) | 0
Square Root of 25 | 5.0
Value ceil(7.999) | 8.0
Value floor(7.99) | 7.0
Value of e Is | 2.72
Value of PI Is | 3.14
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