classKW{publicstaticvoidmain(Stringargs[]){Strings="Hello World";System.out.println("———————————————————————————————————————————");System.out.println("Program to perform the string operations");System.out.println("———————————————————————————————————————————");System.out.println("Main string | "+s);System.out.println("———————————————————————————————————————————");System.out.println("Length of string | "+s.length());System.out.println("Lowercase of string | "+s.toLowerCase());System.out.println("Uppercase of string | "+s.toUpperCase());charc=s.charAt(6);System.out.println("Char at 6th position | "+(c));System.out.println("Index position of W | "+s.indexOf('W'));System.out.println("Matching substring ld | "+s.matches("(.*)ld(.*)"));System.out.println("Is string start with A| "+s.startsWith("A"));System.out.println("Replace space by * | "+s.replace(' ','*'));System.out.println("From 3rd position | "+s.substring(3));System.out.println("Dispaly from e to r | "+s.subSequence(1,9));System.out.println("Hash code for string | "+s.hashCode());System.out.println("———————————————————————————————————————————");}}
kodingwindow@kw:~$ javac kodingwindow@kw:~$ java KW
Program to perform the string operations
Main string | Hello World
Length of string | 11
Lowercase of string | hello world
Uppercase of string | HELLO WORLD
Char at 6th position | W
Index position of W | 6
Matching substring ld | true
Is string start with A| false
Replace space by * | Hello*World
From 3rd position | lo World
Dispaly from e to r | ello Wor
Hash code for string | -862545276
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