Bash shell script to print the current date and time

echo "———————————————————————————————————————————"
echo "Script to print the current date and time"
echo "———————————————————————————————————————————"
echo -n "Today's Date       | ";date
echo -n "Today's Day        | ";date +"%a"
echo -n "Today's Day        | ";date +"%A"
echo -n "Current Month      | ";date +"%b"
echo -n "Current Month      | ";date +"%B"
echo -n "Local Date & Time  | ";date +"%c"
echo -n "Date Of Month      | ";date +"%d"
echo -n "Date Of Month      | ";date +"%e"
echo -n "Today's Date       | ";date +"%D"
echo -n "Full Date(y-m-d)   | ";date +"%F"
echo -n "Last Digit Of Year | ";date +"%g"
echo -n "Year Of ISO Week No| ";date +"%G"
echo -n "Current Month      | ";date +"%h"
echo -n "Current Hour(00:23)| ";date +"%H"
echo -n "Current Hour(1:12) | ";date +"%I"
echo -n "Day Of Year(01-366)| ";date +"%j"
echo -n "Current Month      | ";date +"%m"
echo -n "Current Minute     | ";date +"%M"
echo -n "NanoSecond         | ";date +"%N"
echo -n "Now Time Is AM/PM  | ";date +"%p"
echo -n "Now Time Is am/pm  | ";date +"%P"
echo -n "12-Hour Clock Time | ";date +"%r"
echo -n "24-Hour Clock Time | ";date +"%R"
echo -n "Current Second     | ";date +"%S"
echo -n "Current Time       | ";date +"%T"
echo -n "Day Of Week(1-mon) | ";date +"%u"
echo -n "Local Date         | ";date +"%x"
echo -n "Local Time         | ";date +"%X"
echo -n "Last Digit Of Year | ";date +"%y"
echo -n "ISO Week Number    | ";date +"%V"
echo -n "Alphabet Time Zone | ";date +"%Z"
echo "———————————————————————————————————————————"
kodingwindow@kw:~$ bash
Script to print the current date and time
Today's Date       | Sat Jul 29 10:01:04 AM IST 2023
Today's Day        | Sat
Today's Day        | Saturday
Current Month      | Jul
Current Month      | July
Local Date & Time  | Sat 29 Jul 2023 10:01:04 AM IST
Date Of Month      | 29
Date Of Month      | 29
Today's Date       | 07/29/23
Full Date(y-m-d)   | 2023-07-29
Last Digit Of Year | 23
Year Of ISO Week No| 2023
Current Month      | Jul
Current Hour(00:23)| 10
Current Hour(1:12) | 10
Day Of Year(01-366)| 210
Current Month      | 07
Current Minute     | 01
NanoSecond         | 316946074
Now Time Is AM/PM  | AM
Now Time Is am/pm  | am
12-Hour Clock Time | 10:01:04 AM
24-Hour Clock Time | 10:01
Current Second     | 04
Current Time       | 10:01:04
Day Of Week(1-mon) | 6
Local Date         | 07/29/2023
Local Time         | 10:01:04 AM
Last Digit Of Year | 23
ISO Week Number    | 30
Alphabet Time Zone | IST
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