(write-line"———————————————————————————————————————————")(write-line"Program to perform the arithmetic operations")(write-line"———————————————————————————————————————————")(formatt"Enter the 1st number ")(setqa(read))(formatt"Enter the 2nd number ")(setqb(read))(princ"—————————————————————————")(formatt"~%Addition | ~d"(+ab))(formatt"~%Subtraction | ~d"(-ab))(formatt"~%Multiplication | ~d"(*ab))(formatt"~%Division | ~d"(/ab))(terpri)(formatt"———————————————————————————————————————————")
kodingwindow@kw:~$ clisp kw.lisp
Program to perform the arithmetic operations
Enter the 1st number 50
Enter the 2nd number -10
Addition | 40
Subtraction | 60
Multiplication | -500
Division | -5
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