LISP program to perform the string operations
(write-line "———————————————————————————————————————————")
(write-line "Program to perform the string operations ")
(write-line "———————————————————————————————————————————")
(princ "Enter the 1st string ")
(setq s1(string(read)))
(princ "Enter the 2nd string ")
(setq s2(string(read)))
(format t "~%Entered S1 S2  | ~d ~d"s1 s2)
(format t "~%Reverse S1 S2  | ~d ~d"(reverse s1) (reverse s2))
(format t "~%Length  S1 S2  | ~d ~d"(length s1) (length s2))
(format t "~%Uppercase S1   | ~d ~d"(string-upcase s1) (string-upcase s2))
(format t "~%Lowercase S1   | ~d ~d"(string-downcase s1) (string-downcase s2))
(format t "~%Togalcase S1   | ~d ~d"(string-capitalize s1) (string-capitalize s2))
(format t "~%Concatination  | ~d "(concatenate 'string s1 s2))
(format t "~%Comparision    | ~d "(string-equal s1 s2)) ;CS-case sensitive
(format t "~%Subsequence 0  | ~d ~d"(subseq s1 0) (subseq s2 0))
(format t "~%Character at 0 | ~d ~d"(char s1 0) (char s2 0))
(terpri)(princ "———————————————————————————————————————————")
kodingwindow@kw:~$ clisp kw.lisp
Program to perform the string operations 
Enter the 1st string HELLO
Enter the 2nd string WORLD

Entered S1 S2  | HELLO WORLD
Reverse S1 S2  | OLLEH DLROW
Length  S1 S2  | 5 5
Uppercase S1   | HELLO WORLD
Lowercase S1   | hello world
Togalcase S1   | Hello World
Concatination  | HELLOWORLD 
Comparision    | NIL 
Subsequence 0  | HELLO WORLD
Character at 0 | H W
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