Octave basic string operations
kodingwindow@kw:~$ octave ... octave> kw = "Koding" kw = Koding octave> kw = [kw, "window"] kw = KodingWindow octave> typeinfo(kw) ans = string octave> kw(6) ans = g octave> kw(2:11) ans = odingwindo octave> length(kw) ans = 12 octave> fliplr(kw) ans = wodniwgnidoK octave> toupper(kw) ans = KODINGWINDOW octave> tolower(kw) ans = kodingwindow octave> sort(kw) ans = Kddgiinnooww
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Octave string indexing
Octave strings comparison
Octave to check the given string is alphanumeric