Python NumPy Matrices
kodingwindow@kw:~$ python3 ... >>> from numpy import * >>> arr = arange(1, 18, 2) >>> arr array([ 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17]) >>> arr = arr.reshape(3, 3) >>> arr array([[ 1, 3, 5], [ 7, 9, 11], [13, 15, 17]]) >>> m = matrix(arr) >>> m matrix([[ 1, 3, 5], [ 7, 9, 11], [13, 15, 17]]) >>> diagonal(m) array([ 1, 9, 17]) >>> m.max() 17 >>> m.min() 1 >>> m.sum() 81 >>> m.mean() 9.0 >>> m[0,0] = 99 >>> m matrix([[99, 3, 5], [ 7, 9, 11], [13, 15, 17]]) >>> m = sort(m) >>> m matrix([[ 3, 5, 99], [ 7, 9, 11], [13, 15, 17]]) >>> m.transpose() matrix([[ 3, 7, 13], [ 5, 9, 15], [99, 11, 17]])
Products of Elements
>>> m = matrix("1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9") >>> m matrix([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]) >>> Products column wise matrix([[ 28, 80, 162]]) >>> Products row wise matrix([[ 6], [120], [504]])
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