Python Arithmetic Operations
kodingwindow@kw:~$ python3 ... >>> 10+20 30 >>> 10-20 -10 >>> 10*20 200 >>> 2**10 1024 >>> 10/20 0.5 >>> 10//20 0 >>> 7%4 3 >>> 7^4 3 >>> -7^4 -3
Arithmetic operations on complex numbers
>>> c1=4+5j >>> c2=2+6j >>> print(c1+c2) (6+11j) >>> print(c1-c2) (2-1j) >>> print(c1*c2) (-22+34j) >>> print(c1/c2) (0.95-0.35000000000000003j)
Swap the given numbers
>>> a=10 >>> b=20 >>> a=a+b >>> b=a-b >>> a=a-b >>> a 20 >>> b 10
>>> a=10 >>> b=20 >>> (a,b)=(b,a) >>> a 20 >>> b 10
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