Python program to perform the relational operations
print("__________________________________________")print("Program for the relational operations")print("__________________________________________")a=b=3print("Value of a |",a)print("Value of b |",b)print("__________________________________________")c=(a==b)print("3==3 |",c)c=(a!=b)print("3!=3 |",c)c=(a<b)print("3<3 |",c)c=(a>b)print("3>3 |",c)c=(a<=b)print("3<=3 |",c)c=(a>=b)print("3>=3 |",c)print("__________________________________________")
kodingwindow@kw:~$ python3
Program for the relational operations
Value of a | 3
Value of b | 3
3==3 | True
3!=3 | False
3<3 | False
3>3 | False
3<=3 | True
3>=3 | True
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