Python math module
kodingwindow@kw:~$ python3 ... >>> import math >>> math.pi 3.141592653589793 >>> math.e 2.718281828459045 >>> math.exp(1) 2.718281828459045 >>> math.inf inf >>> math.nan nan
>>> math.factorial(10) 3628800 >>> math.fmod(7,3) 1.0 >>> math.fmod(10.5,3.5) 0.0 >>> math.fsum([1,1.1,3.14]) 5.24 >>> math.modf(10.5) (0.5, 10.0)
>>> math.gcd(18,21) 3 >>> math.lcm(24,36) 72
Logarithm functions
>>> import math >>> math.log(2) 0.6931471805599453 >>> math.log10(2) 0.3010299956639812 >>> math.log2(2) 1.0 >>> math.log(2,10) 0.30102999566398114 >>> math.log(2,2) 1.0
sqrt(), cbrt() and pow() functions
>>> import math >>> math.sqrt(25) 5.0 >>> math.sqrt(20) 4.47213595499958 >>> math.cbrt(27) 3.0000000000000004 >>> math.pow(2,10) 1024.0 >>> 2**10 1024
round(), floor(), ceil() and trunc() functions
>>> round(2.3) 2 >>> round(2.8) 3 >>> round(-2.3) -2 >>> round(-2.8) -3
>>> abs(2.3) 2.3 >>> abs(-2.3) 2.3
>>> import math >>> math.floor(2.3) 2 >>> math.floor(2.8) 2 >>> math.floor(-2.3) -3 >>> math.floor(-2.8) -3
>>> math.ceil(2.3) 3 >>> math.ceil(2.8) 3 >>> math.ceil(-2.3) -2 >>> math.ceil(-2.8) -2
>>> math.trunc(2.3) 2 >>> math.trunc(2.8) 2 >>> math.trunc(-2.3) -2 >>> math.trunc(-2.8) -2
>>> math.fabs(2.3) 2.3 >>> math.fabs(-2.3) 2.3
Explicit type conversion using int() and float() functions
>>> int(7.99) 7 >>> float(7) 7.0 >>> a=int('10') >>> b=int('20') >>> c=a+b >>> c 30
>>> float('inf') inf >>> float('nan') nan >>> import math >>> math.isinf(0) False >>> math.isinf(float('inf')) True >>> math.isnan(float('nan')) True
Number conversion using int(), bin(), oct(), and hex() functions
>>> n=255 >>> print("Binary",bin(n)) Binary 0b11111111 >>> print("Octal",oct(n)) Octal 0o377 >>> print("Hexadecimal",hex(n)) Hexadecimal 0xff
>>> n="11111111" >>> print("Decimal",int(n,2)) Decimal 255 >>> print("Octal",oct(int(n,2))) Octal 0o377 >>> print("Hexadecimal",hex(int(n,2))) Hexadecimal 0xff
>>> n=0o377 >>> print("Decimal",int(n)) Decimal 255 >>> print("Hexadecimal",hex(n)) Hexadecimal 0xff
>>> n=0Xff >>> print("Decimal",int(n)) Decimal 255 >>> print("Octal",oct(n)) Octal 0o377 >>> print("Binary",bin(n)) Binary 0b11111111
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