Python program to perform the arithmetic operations
print("_______________________________________")print("Program for the arithmetic operations")print("_______________________________________")a=3.6b=1.3print(" Value of a |",a)print(" Value of b |",b)print("_______________________________________")c=a+bprint(" Addition |",c)c=a-bprint("Subtraction |",c)c=a*bprint("Multiplication|",c)c=a/bprint(" Division |",c)c=a//bprint(" Division |",c)c=a**bprint(" a^b |",c)c=a%bprint(" Reminder |",c)print("_______________________________________")
kodingwindow@kw:~$ python3
Program for the arithmetic operations
Value of a | 3.6
Value of b | 1.3
Addition | 4.9
Subtraction | 2.3
Multiplication| 4.680000000000001
Division | 2.769230769230769
Division | 2.0
a^b | 5.286804500121683
Reminder | 1.0
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